Mission, Vision, Values

Our Mission

It is our mission at St Joseph's School to embrace and build on St Mary MacKillop's legacy. We will ensure excellence in teaching and learning, enabling all students to be thriving and capable citizens in their community.

Our Vision

St Joseph's is a school that nurtures and challenges every child to be a successful learner and person, in partnership with parents/caregivers, the local parish and the wider community. Each child is respected as an individual, made in the image of God. All students will be supported to lead fulfilling and productive lives guided by the Gospel values.

Our Values

Catholic Identity, Learning, Student Identity, Community Engagement, Resources

Catholic Identity

It is important to us that all members of the school community develop:

  • their faith and relationship with God 
  • critically evaluate how society and culture shapes and influences their personal identity
  • an understanding of social justice through our Josephite tradition and authentic call to action


It is important to us that all educators of our school community:

  • are expert in their field and are highly effective in their knowledge and skill
  • implement whole school approach to the principles and practices of assessment of and for learning which meet the diverse learning needs of all students
  • engage students in a shared vision for learning and a constant focus for collaboration and dialogue
  • enable all students to express their creativity

Student Identity

It is important to us that all students of our school community:

  • have voice and choice to influence their own learning and assessment
  • can track and measure their own learning growth and capabilities through opportunities to reflect, self-assess and revise their goals

Community Engagement

At St Joseph's School we are committed to:

  • recognise and embrace the primary role of parents and families in the identity development and education of their children
  • building an inclusive and collaborative community that reflects our Catholic Identity
  • nurturing partnerships with parish, families and the wider community


At St Joseph's School we are committed to:

  • effective management of resources to ensure they are used wisely and sustainability
  • ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for everyone
  • recognising and using the skills of everyone in the school community